Thursday, 19 August 2010

A big welcome to a lovely new blogger in town.

Remember your very first dip of toe
into the waters of blogging???

...and how your blogs blossomed!

But do you ever go back into the dusty depths of
your own archives and read those
first few posts?

I for one found it all a bit scary
and could never have believed
that anyone would want to read it!
Well there is a lovely new girl in town,
and seeing as I was given a lovely
welcome to the wonderful place of
I thought the least I could do is
to return the good deed!

Mother to sons, animals galore
and a vintage fan to boot...

...she'll fit in just fine with me!

So my friendly chums,
hop over if you have time
and if you can, give her a lovely big
'Blogsville welcome!'

Her name...

and she's

Love C. x

Welly Bob Boots
are on hold...

...but VERY much at the
toppest of my wish list!
Funds are not playing game
right now.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

The Ruby Wellies!

Little did I know that this
dog owning would mean
a whole new wardrobe!


Well wouldn't you?

Love C. x

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Snips and snails and PUPPY dog tails...


A wet nose, soft fluffy fur
and as in this case...

...puppy dog eyes!

I just can't help myself,
maybe I'm broody?!



How cute...?!!

He is a 5 months old yellow labrador.

I am hoping that this pair bond well
and become lifelong pals,
running each other ragged!!

You know how it is...
you read a book about something and you
just have it niggling in the back of your mind...
for almost 2 years as it happens.


So seeing as I have always been a major
dog lover,
have pets galore anyhow,
and not had a dog since my teens.
I thought it about time we had one!

Think of him as a therapy dog.
Or just as my new baby,
he is sat warming my feet as I type.
(and Toby fat cat is on my lap!)

Basil is the most calm and well mannered
dog I have seen in a long while.
He seems to have a very intelligent head
on his young shoulders.

I hope he loves walking in the rain,
along beaches,
chasing sticks and camping.
Being kissed and having hugs.

Love Claire. x

The newly decorated house,
 is going to
wait a while longer for it's new flooring...

...wood throughout??!

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Decorating madness!!!

Not much to say on the subject really,
other than,
this make take a while...

For those of you accustomed to how things
work in our mad house
this could all turn out to be...

...Another Fine Mess Stanley!

Love Claire. x

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Rain, rain, go away, come again on Mothers washing day!!!


We are SOOOOOOO fed up with this...




Love Claire. xxx

Monday, 2 August 2010

Take a seat...

What I am about to show you
was supposed to be
my maiden voyage into



Ebay selling!

But typical of me,
I may have to keep it!

I bought this tatty old
Child's Chair
for my dabble at trying to
make some money to feed
my 'thrifting' habit...

Took off the ripped fabric
and the broken base.

Gave it a lick of paint,
and a fresh new fabric cushioned seat...

...and fell in love.

Well wouldn't you?

So there we go,
something else to clutter up my house.


...I can force myself and actually
sell something for once!

Love Claire. x

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Henny Pennys fly the nest!

When I make decisions
I make them fast and act fast!

The other day I decided that
my garden was just too shabby looking,
and I'm not meaning chic!

I asked a dear friend of mine if she would like to
increase her flock and she willingly said yes!

So now Wendy, Delia, Pearl, Mabel and Olive
have gone to live here...

'PECKingham Palace'

Gorgeous isn't it?!
You should see the rest of 'Sam's' pad,
it's just perfect!

Bye bye henny pennys

Can you believe that these are the chicks we hatched?
See my post about the happy event HERE.

 Even Toby-fat-cat wanted to get in on the action,
yes he has only half a tail!
Everything lives happily together,
bunny, hens, cat and boys!
(and rugby balls if you look closely)

Cochins are a breed that are very much like
Orpingtons but with 'bloomers' on

I'm sure they'll be more than happy,
no more dodging that rugby ball eh girls?!


Sam is a collegue of mine and
whilst chatting one day on the playground
we discovered our shared passion for
hens and sewing.

So more talented then I am,
have a look at her goodies over at her place

I was relieved to know that most of my flock
was going to such a fabby home
(I kept just 2, Sarah and Daisy)
but when Sam gave me this chap in return
I was thrilled!

He won't make a mess and
he won't keep me and the neighbours awake!

He just needs to find a shelf to call home now...

Thank you Sam!

So now, we just have the task
of tidying up the disgrace that I call the garden!

That I think deserves a post of it's own.
Maybe this time next year I will post it hee hee.

Love C. x