Saturday, 4 September 2010

Messing about on the river.

If you ever have that feeling of being just a bit
'fed up'
try my 'tonic' and get outside,
find lots of space...
Get away from the hustle and bustle of life
 and honestly it'll help you to try and
forget all those troubles you may have worrying you.

(Excuses excuses!!!
I'm taking you along on one of our lovely walks, but i'm not sure if it's my lack of photography or technology skills, probably both, but when you watch this in large screen please imagine it's perfect
...alas, 'tis not.)

Hope you had a good time,
and all those troubles?

What troubles?

Love Claire. x


Em said...

I smiled all the way through that..x

Beki said...

I've lost sound on my pooter, was there sound...........bummer!
Does look lovely though hun, hope you paddled with them.
We've spent the last few days paddling in Marine lake (the lake by our ea front) not quite as pretty though.

B xxx

Rallentanda said...

As a technologically challenged person I can't imagine how you did this. I would love to be able to make a movie but will need to attend a course and set aside at least 12 months to master it. Enjoyed yours.You must be young to be able to do all of this.

Jo said...

Wonderful. Looks like a good time was had by all.

Dawn said...

Wow that was great! Must have taken ages - not sure I would have the patience. Your not so brave dog made me smile :)

vintage mum said...

I really enjoyed that, it was lovely to see said puppy trying to be brave he/she (can't remember) has grown a lot, the boys look like they had a great time.
Cate x

Vintage from the Village said...

Aah perfect day had by all !
you are very clever putting that together, I have enough trouble arranging normal photos on my blog !!

Sue at Dollytub Cottage said...

Hiya!I have given you a mention and a back link on my blog today. SueXXX

Kelly said...

Soooo Sweet! Looks like such fun can I come next time?

Scented Sweetpeas said...

Love it! The only place my kids don't argue is down at our local river :-)