Monday, 11 October 2010

Red Velvet Luxury.


I've been a very busy bee this evening.

After coming in from work I set to
making these scrummy
'Red Velvet'

This recipe is in the new Nigella book
and is the 3rd red velvet recipe I have tried.

Finn wants a gruesome birthday cake for his
Halloween Birthday Party
and we thought red velvet would be perfect,
so i've been on a mission with RV recipes.

Don't ask me which was the best
as when I eat cake,
it just doesn't touch the sides!!!
Hee hee,we're enjoying
ourselves so never mind eh?!

I tell you what though,
it has quite a variety of ingredients in it.

Who would know what the difference
is between
Bicarb of Soda
Baking Powder?

Not me,
but Nigella wants both,
so both she got.
Half a tsp of one
and 2 full ones of the other...


What difference does it make to the cake?

If you read the beginning of the book she
gives lots of helpful hints and tips,

and gives reasons or sometimes it's just a
'because I do' reason...

I love Nigella,
I think I have a bit of a girl crush on her to be honest.

Or maybe it's just that she always
invents (or steals) lovely luxurious
recipes that are totally scrummy.

back to the cakes...

some of the ingredients...

Christmas Red colouring paste!
A whole pot!

Then one of my favourites...

A couple of weird ones thrown in...why?

...and you get a lovely shiny red gloop
that stains your mouth
and gives the game away to boys of a certain
age, who then yell that you've been
the mixture!

Here is the finished sponge...
not really the RED RED
that I have been longing for
but she admits to it being this
shade of red in the book.

After the 'stealing'
comes my favourite bit when cupcake making!

...and then Finn's favourite bit too!

 Nothing I have made this year has
escaped a good glittering!
Thanks to
'Kirstie's Homemade Christmas'
last year I found out about
edible glitter...

...a girl like me can never have enough glitter!
(hope Kirstie makes another series like last Crimbo!)

Nigella's attempt,
she decorated with
'Red Sugar'


 I had better not eat anymore of them,
as there will be none left!

They are for taking to school
in the morning really,
we're having one of these...

Actually, I feel a bit sick now...

hee hee.

Love Claire. x


Alexandra said...

Those look fantastic...i need some of that edible glitter! Everything would get sprinkled though :) xx

VintageVicki said...

Your clothes will shrink ;) Remember little pickers wear big knickers ;) ;)

They look very scrummy though :)

Blueberry Heart said...

edible glitter has got to be one of the BEST inventions ever!
Cakes making me hungry they look so nice!
BH x

Em said...

Awww I want to come to the coffee morning too....x
Fab post by the

Beki said...

Yours look so much better than Nigellas, her cakes are pretty pants really aren't they ;)
Love your UJ tin and red spotty tea cup!

B xxx

Unknown said...

yummy they look scrummy. I would say yours look much more inviting than Hers as well. Bet the kids will love them. Def the best bit is licking out the bowl ;-)) Dee

MelMel said...

Just hopping on the bus, to your house....make us a brew and I'll have one of those yummy cakes!

Alijane said...

They look lovely cakes. I always make the hummingbird red velvets and use Dr Otakers food colouring but not the natural one, it comes out too brown and not nasty garish red.

I have a bit of a thing for the lovley Nigella too!


Poppy said...

They look so yummy! I’ve got the book but I’ve not made anything from it yet. It looks good in my kitchen though.

I hope my spelling is ok? ;-)

Lou x

bellaboo said...

Getting that book for least I hope so..I've given enough hints!
How many have you eaten now?!

Josie-Mary said...

yummy.... looking good :) x

A Treasured Past said...

Hiya, I loved Kirsty's xmas special too, also her handmade tv shows.

The cakes look delish, Finn looks like he is really enjoying the icing :) India would love the edible glitter, my gosh!

Wishing Finn a very happy upcoming birthday :) Tamara x

moschops said...

Gutted I didnt get to try one but they did look lush!!
My contribution was a rather half hearted attempt, but my to do list last night was too long....

Edible glitter is the best invention.

Scented Sweetpeas said...

Fan bloomin glittery tastic! I must try to buy glitter for cakes and try to make them - scrum.

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I LOVE red velvet cupcakes!

Victoria xx