Now I know that working with kids,
and having 2 scrummy boys of my own
I'm a very lucky girl.
(some of you may think otherwise, hee hee!)
I also know that I can enjoy whatever exciting adventures my
boys are into just as much as they do,
even though I believe I'm supposed to be the grown up.
We've gone through many 'crazes' in what feels like a very short
time I've been a Mummy.
Trains being one...
Dinosaurs being another...
then there was the refusing to go out of the house without a painted on
black nose and whiskers...
oh, and the removing all your clothes no matter where you are craze too!
But an ongoing craze for my pair has been
Oh DO I love this craze.
A visit round a regular haunt of ours, Beaumaris castle, last month was
apparently, when we discovered there was a medieval weekend on at the time.
Watch out Jacob, there's a Knight sneaking up behind you!
Finn gained lots of battling tips from
REAL Knights in the displays.
So when we piled in the car and chugged up the motorway a short while
to CAMELOT the other day, a great day out was indeed in store for us.

Even when the boys have fancied a bit of baking
we've had to involve a couple of jousters!
(and ants! Ugh! BOYS!!)
I've got in on the action too and
thoroughly enjoyed painting a giant
dragon for a school display last term
(sorry for the dull photo!)
Which my boys are very jealous about and
want it on display in our house for them to 'Slay!'
(she's too cute for slaying I tell them)

So this brings me round to telling you of my new chap!
Yes folks, I do have a new man in my life...
I'd like to introduce to you
Sir Ulrich Von Lichtenstein of Gelderland
(a stolen photo eek! Sorry)

I have been totally addicted to watching 'Ulrich'
as often as possible lately, he's soooo scrummy.
If you've never watched
'A Knights Tale'
click HERE and have a peep at him in action.
So Lords and Ladies,
I bid you farewell....
Until the next time!
Thank you for reading.
Love Claire. X
(RIP Heath Ledger,
a most handsome and very talented actor if ever I saw one)
I wonder why you enjoy the knights phase for your boys?!
I love the film Knights Tale, I watched it recently,
Victoria xx
I haven`t seen that film yet but I think I want to now! Great to `see` you Claire and your summer looks like it was a lot of fun - thanks for sharing those lovely holiday pics on your other post too - invokes great memories for me!Poor Heath Ledger. x
I loved when my boys went through that phase!!! My oldest son still loves to read about Knights and all that Medival stuff...but of course he refuses to dress up and slay anything anymore (unless he is slaying a large pizza...oh the teenage years!)
oohh I am going to try and get my kids into that phase so I can sit and watch that film with scrummy men in it with them :-) x
Hi Claire, I hope all has been well during your blogging break. If I don't catch up before Christmas, have a lovely day and I hope Santa brings you lots of goodies, Tam x
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