Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Chicken sewing club....

Now do you remember me telling you about the Sewing club I run at school?

I get lots of ideas of what to do with the girls but is is hard to find things that are basic enough, and will only take a couple of hours to complete, using the basic skills that I have shown them already.

So if you know of anything you can suggest.
Have a pattern that you can forward.
Or just any words of encouragement,
then fire away.
I will be very grateful.
Even if this bunch of great Year 6's will be leaving me
in July, I shall continue to run the club as the present Year 5's
 are quite jealous that they can't join in. 
I had to be strict and restrict the numbers.
There are only so many needles I can re-thread in an 1 HOUR!!!

This weeks new project is one of these...

Only we are using much brighter fabric and
will give her a more fancy 'comb' on her head.

This was easy as there are only 3 pieces to it, and
I want them to take more care when cutting out and pinning together,
this project I thought would enable us to do that.
Plus, I couldn't resist it being a chicken and a bit of an Easter theme.

So, if you Big Girls would like to help my Smaller Girls
(actually, some of them are taller than me but thats not hard hee hee!)
we would love to hear your ideas.
I did think of chopping a pair of jeans off and turning it into a skirt,
but they need to polish those skills first!
And thread their own bloomin' needle aarrggghhhh.

Bless them. x


Vintage from the Village said...

I will have a think !
You are very brave but a lovely thing to do
Sue x

Kissed by an Angel said...

Hi claire

Take a look at the link (well not strictly a link - paste into google) below. It's on Bluebird Notes. Looks easy!!! Obviously, you must check with Koralee first that it's ok to use her idea!! They are very pretty tiny pincushions!!


MelMel said...

Sounds fun!
I'm hoping to help at the sewing club at the school I'm in now.....

With so many super ideas in blogland to use, I'm sure that you will find so much to inspire you...I'm popping in to say how valuble you must be to the school by giving your time!xxxx

Floss said...

These are great, and I should think they'll go down very well with your sewing club. I should think that other things they'd enjoy would be things they can actually use - do they still wear scrunchies in their hair, for example, or could they make little bags, purses or hair ornaments? This is assuming there are no boys in the group - sexist of me.

Now, as to your comment on my St Pat's day post, every single day of the year is a Saint's Day in France. Check out this calendar if you want to celebrate every day:

I see your day is on August 11th! My middle name is Claire, too. Half-Irish dad...

Maisey's Attic said...

Hi Claire - love the chickens - how about peg dolls, used to love making these - just thinking they're probably a bit passed that in year 6 - Hope you're over your cold - xx

the little farm that could said...

oooh! those chickens are adorable! thanks for sharing the link I may make a few of those to roost on the window sill. I have to agree with Maiseys Attic..I remember making peg dolls with my mother and girlfriends...and I think I was 12 ish or so before it wasn't as fun. She also made felted animals for the holiday tree. We traced cookie cutters on only two pieces to cut out, stuff and sew and then we glued or sewed bric a brac beads and sequins...
Hope you're feeling better...

Country Cottage Chic said...

Great ideas for the girls! What about aprons made from tea towels? Lavender sachets? Pincushions? Peg bags?
