Tuesday, 23 March 2010

I'll show you my Cath!!!

Now I don't know what to show you first
my thrifty bargains or
my Cath Kidston purchases.
I do love teasing!!!
Well, you may be disapointed when you see them,
as you will have seen the Cath stuff before, but
let me tell you this...

I have been a fan of CK for years, and you know what?
I have never ever bought ANYTHING of hers!
(bit of a fib, I have some fabric ;-)
I have been in a couple of her shops and
always sniff her out wherever I go.
So really I was one of Cath's rare 'Virgins' these days I reckon!!!
(no comment on that please you little minxes)

So, you have the setting?
The adorable shop in my last post.

lovely pink bag!
Why do things seem even more gorgeous
when you get a lovely bag with them too?

Pink package......
Can you guess what it is yet?

Full marks to all who guessed correctly!

Lovely storage tins.
I didn't realise that they came with labels too!
I think I will use them on something else though,
just to spead the Cath feeling around the kitchen! 

I hope they'll be happy on here!
Anyone notice the tidy corner being used again
for this photo shoot?!

I also got myself this lovely purse.
My old one has a broken button,
so everytime I open my bag to pay for something
all the change is at the bottom of my bag!
Not now, this will be perfect.
I have no money to put in it, I've spent it all!!!

Thanks for letting me share
my Cath Kidston with you.

Coming soon.....
Claire's thrifting purchases!!!
Ha ha, oh it is getting exciting!
No? Oh, OK, it's just me then! LOL

Love Claire. xxx


jackanne said...
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Em said...

What lovely things you brought.
I really like the colour of the shelf you put the tins on.
Love your new purse too.
It is always nice having the things you buy wrapped nicely isn't, it makes them feel more special.
Thanks for the offer of a cuppa, I bring the tear n share!
Em x

jackanne said...

Hiya, i am a virgin...well cath one anyway, i only have a cup and some smellies poor me.. you fancy doing a giveaway (to me)ha for that gorg purse i am so jealous...The storage tins are so nice too, i would find a place for them somewhere..(not over the rainbow)you daft woman. Still jealous! hugs xx

MelMel said...

Lovely bit of Cath....I do like the tins very much...so far I've not bought them!
The purse is triple cute!

Cheers for sharing hunni.....think thats why I love to blog, cos my OH would be happy to live like a slob...so would not notice any thrifted goodies or CK pretties if he fell over them!


Kissed by an Angel said...

I was a Cath virgin too until recently!! I am much older than you too!!!! I love the storage canisters, they look fabulous!!! Purse is great too!!
Good buys!!!

Kelly said...

Cath rocks! I love all the practical storage bits!

I just got a lovely shelf, can't wait to put it up! (or rather watch while J puts it up!)

melanie said...

i love those storage tins, they bring cheer to any kitchen, and your purse is fab, I love it! xxx :)

Country Cottage Chic said...

Very pretty & the shop looks scrummy!


Maisey's Attic said...

Hi Claire - love your buys - I feel the need to visit the sea and this shop!
Very nice shelf you have the tins on. Look forward to seeing your thrifty bargains - xxx

Em said...

Hello Claire,
I noticed you wanted to take part in a swap. As I enjoyed doing the flower swap so much I thought I might set one up, although I need to come up with a theme, would you like to take part, we could even organise it together? Any ideas would be welcome.
Em x

the little farm that could said...

Thank you Miss C for introducing me to my latest addiction... :-)
I promptly got on Cath's website and ordered a magazine. Lurv the tins. The shelf you have is painted the same color as my wainscotting. Great minds and all no? xx

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I have these tins!!! I'm after the new cherry ones now.

Victoria xx

bellaboo said...

I've been eyeing up those lovely tins for a while now,but I already have way too many tins! Love that purse too.I was in the paper shop yesterday and opened my purse to pay,and it was empty!I was sure I hadn't spent it all.Turns out all my money was in the bottom of my bag,as the purse zip had broken.I'm hoping to get a little bit of Cath for my birthday next month...if I'm lucky!

Bellaboo :0)