Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Take a peek. (while it's clean and tidy-ish!)

Seeing as my place is slightly more tidy today, than normal (claire blushes)
and the camera batteries are charged up (more blushes)
I thought it would be a good idea to snap some pics.
Well I have promised you some, so here we go.

Sitting room, AKA the lounge, living room or if you are either of my boys 'in there!'
Not sure if you can make out the LEGO and Wii fit board (sole use is snow-boarding for the boys, no fitness nonsense for me, ugh!) stuffed under the drawers! (this is tidy!)
Toby's bed, although he sometimes he prefers to sleep in mine, is awaiting a lovely quilted inner made in some delightful fabric. 
 He could be waiting a long long time, bless him!
(get catching some more mice then you Tinker!)

A rather too tidy fire place.
More thrifted goodies needed for here I think.
(I shall put back what 'clutter' I removed for the pic's now I have seen it looking so bare!)
A mirror or something was always planned to go above but somehow it never happened, more excuses for junk shop visits I think!

Mum's (thats me by the way) chair.
Not sure I like it looking so tidy, where are my arm covers and throw?
Oh yes, in the wash.
Love my thrifted stool though, painted and re-upholstered with a fabric scrap.  Not bad for £3!!!

My colourful egg bowl!
Excuse the non-supermarket sparkling washed eggs, I like them being natural. 
Their bowl and the plate behind were only £1 each and the candle holder was £4.

So thats it, just a peek. 
Too many excuses for in my opinion, a slightly too tidy house.
Not to worry, it won't stay like this for long, in fact, as I look around, it is nothing like the above now! 
My house is a home for living in, and it gets some hammer I tell you!

It was my Grandparents house, my Mum lived here when she was only 9 years old.
In my mind it is a lovely little thatched farmhouse, with a big trees for climbing and a stream in the garden, too many animals and lots of healthy happy children, all living happily together!!!
Well the thatch and stream could prove too much for me, and actually, I love it, just the way it is.

I hope you enjoyed your visit.
Maybe next time, we shall have tea and cakes!

Love C. x


jackanne said...

your home looks so warm comfy! unlike mine at the moment,hubby has taken off plaster in our bedroom to sort out damp!! (smells bad..) i am loving your candle box. xx

Jill said...

HI Claire

Your sitting room / living room/ lounge looks lovely and cozy, I would love something like this. I love the natural eggs, just the way they should be.

Hugs RosieP x

Kissed by an Angel said...

I love your home, it looks lovely and cosy!!! Thank you for showing us!!

Country Cottage Chic said...

It looks lovely & cosy!

Your eggs look sparkly clean compared to mine - I'm convinced the hens play rugby with them.


Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Your sitting room looks so cosy! And I love your candle box.

Victoria x

Taz said...

My house never looks that tidy even when I've just tidied :)
Loving room and I love your use of colour, cosy and warm.

Right when are we camping out at BF's to watch out for the Depp? :D

Maisey's Attic said...

So nice to see where you live - it does look very tidy - and very cosy - keeping the house nice with two small boys isn't easy - I'm so tempted to put up some pictures of my boys rooms - can't quite bring myself to do it - it's bad! - My friend suggested I have a separate blog for things like that called Maisey's Basement!

Nice to have you back xxx

Ma Larkin said...

Your home looks lovely. And how special to live in your grans house.
I love your candle box, what a great find. I wouldn't have known what it was.
I have 6 warrens bought as point of lay pullets last summer for £6 each. They are brilliant layers with at least 4 and often 6 eggs a day. They have layed all winter too.
Look forward to reading more

melanie said...

Your home is lovely and so cosy, I just love it. Our home is also a house for living in, I try to keep it tidy, but with three messy animals and a hubby in here, it does not stay tidy for long, lol. xxxx

Kelly said...

Your home looks lovley!! I must apologise for my not visiting more often I only just realised I forgot to follow you!!! I have rectified this now!!!