Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Weight Loss Wednesday (Oh crumbs!)

Nothing much to say on the matter this week except maybe...

Oink Oink ! ! !

I put 3lb on last week!!!  I thought she was going to want my 1 stone sticker back, but Janine the Slimming World Consultant at my group was fine, she had lots of words of encouragment and sent me on my way feeling OK about it.


I have been even worse this week, and with our trip away this weekend all booked I don't think next week will be much better!
Love C. X


Kissed by an Angel said...

Never mind - these things happen!!! Definitely don't put yourself down!!! Enjoy your weekend away and start again after!!!

Happy Harris said...

Hi Claire...thanks for visiting me honey :)

I'd love to come over to you and help with your spring cleaning...I love spring cleaning!

dont worry too much about the weight...I know its frightening going to the class when you know you have not been good...but hey...if you have had a great time eating those lovely goodies! whats life all about eh! everyones entitled to have a few hiccups! if they moan at you! tell them Happy said it was OK! :)

Love Happyxx

Amanda said...

Its when you have the bad weeks that you need the support most! I've just got back from slimming myself (I'm a consultant)and it was very positive and uplifting, never be too hard on yourself, it takes time to change all those bad habits.

MelMel said...

Hiya.....I did Slimming world over 11 yrs agao...lost 5 stone with them...managed to keep it off give n take a few pounds here n there...its a great eating will happen for you....the first stone or two is the hardest bit, I( found I didn't see much difference in my body till two stone...then was amazing...I'm so glad I stuck with it....:>))
My top tip...I have never had a weighing scale in the house....I measure myself rather than weigh....seeing your weight in black n white spinning beneath your feet is a weird I've chosen not to do that....
All the best with're doing great!xxxxx

Jill said...

Don't beat yourself up about it, just get back on it after your weekend away, a fresh start. We've all been there, well I certainly have (and still am come to think of it) 1lb off 2lbs on..............

Hugs RosieP x

melanie said...

Dont worry about the weight pet, thats nothing!
I have tried to diet before but always fail, I love my food too much, lol. :) xxxx

jackanne said...

oh dont stress,you will do fine!i am having a GIVEAWAY over on my blog ..come and take a peep!hugs jackanne x

Maisey's Attic said...

Hi Claire - I loved Bagpus, haven't thought about it for years - love the way you remember the words lol

I'm stressing about my weight too, I lose and gain the same two stone!!

Hope you're looking forward to your weekend away


Teena Vallerine said...

enjoy the trip away - avoid the guilts and try to fit in a few walks after meals! failing that drink lots of water before meals! failing that enjoy the trip and worry about it all another day! The main thing is to avoid the guilts! A sure path to a chocolate bar in my experience! t.x

MelMel said...

We had such a lovely funny that you were in the same area!
Settling down for A.Roadshow and LRTC......such a dreamy program!
Tis my one weakness!xx

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Here you go honey, see my email address on it?

V xx