Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Is that the phone?

Some things,
large or small,
can instantly make you feel happy.
Jog memories.

But how about an old fashioned phone box?
Probably just me on this one but let me tell you anyway...

Now there used to be one of these right outside my house!
I've mentioned before that this is my Grandma's old house,
(would it spoil your illusion if I tell you it's ex-council hee hee
not the thatch farmhouse I would love you to believe)

But the lovely
bright red box
has gone,
gone to telephone heaven

~and where is this telephone heaven?

Well I'm not sure, but I do know there is one in the local demolition yard and I want it!
I want to put it back in my garden!
Imagine the fun the boys could have with it.

Now my Grandparents didn't have a telephone,
they used the red phone box of course,
my Mum would even ring it to speak to them!
Yes you could hear it ringing from inside the house.

My brill Dad
'AKA Grando' 
worked all his life for BT,
but would my Grandma have a phone line fitted?
Nope, not she!
(nor would she have central heating, double glazing, a fitted kitchen
 or any form of hot water that didn't come from the coal fire!)
 Bless her!
I wish she could see the house now,
I'm sure she'd like it!

When I was a girl,
I used to go out with my Dad on 'call-outs'
in his little yellow van.

To remote farms or phone boxes to fix faults.
He would get a phone call and give me a whistle,
we'd jump in the yellow van and off we'd go,
visiting many lovely remote places
and sometimes quite unusual folk!
I was his little mate in that van on those wintery weekends,
or balmy Summer evenings.

All this is leading to a little story BF
pointed out that I may like.
About a village near him
who adopted their phone box and gave it a new lease of life!

As a book exchange!

It's a lovely story,
read about it here!


How about it?
A Red phone box in my garden,
as a hen house maybe?
Endless possibilities.
Bet they don't come cheap though!
Love Claire. x

P.S.  I'm helping my pal Emma at
to do a swop,
we thought it would be good to share it,
as we haven't done one before.
We have a brill theme organised
watch this space!


Taz said...

We never had a phone growing up so I have many memories of standing freezing and desperate for a pee in those red boxes. I wish they'd never done away with them, the new one's are so boring and I can never hear myself think in them.
One in the garden would be great, I'd use it as a glasshouse for all my poor wee seeds.

Sue at Dollytub Cottage said...

I remember a newspaper story years ago and someone had bought one of these old phone boxes and made it into a shower in their bathroom! Lovely story - it reminded me of my Dad taking me with him in his bread delivery van. SueXX

Ma Larkin said...

What a brill story. I love your dads van it is so cool.
The idea of your gran running out to answer the phone has really tickled me. What a character .
I hope you get your box.
Claire xx

Kissed by an Angel said...

I love the phone box!! It would be great if you could get one for your garden!!!
Looking forward to your swap!

Em said...

I love the old red phone boxes, anything like that I love, red post boxes, old police boxes, very iconic of good old GB..x

Vintage from the Village said...

What a lovely story, I hope you get one - dont forget to get a mega load of dettol spray first - ha ha !
Sue x

Kissed by an Angel said...

Hi Claire, sorry I forgot to say before. I have left an award for you on my blog, it's for always being bright and uplifting!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I would love a phone box in the garden! How much fun would that be.

Victoria xx

Maisey's Attic said...

Hi claire - brilliant idea - definitely get it, the boys will love it. Will they want lots of money for it? - they would here - anything collectable gets snapped up really quickly.

Love the story about you and your dad - reminds me of going out with my dad in his yellow van - he collected money from car parks round London - used to do well for sweets!

Hope you and the boys are having a good week - xxx